Last month, I started working on a baby blanket for our friends Jordan and Nou who are expecting in December. I told myself I could work on this leisurely since I had a few months until their little bambino was born. Being that they live in Seattle, I was planning on mailing it out in a care package to them in early December.
Imagine my surprise, when the hubby informed me that Jordan had called him and said his family was throwing them a surprise baby shower in a week! What!? Are you serious?!
Well, of course we were going to go! This was their last trip to the Bay Area before the baby was born.
So day and night, I worked like a mouse sewing Cinderella's dress, to get this blanket finished in time!
I felt like I was on Project Runway, crocheting my tail off to "Make it Work!".
In the end I was quite pleased with myself and the outcome of the blanket that I completed in ONE week!
Here is the blanket. I used Attic24's crochet
Neat Ripple Pattern. I found her pattern to be the easiest and most consistent out of 3 different patterns I tried.

I wanted to give the blanket a Missoni-esque vibe, so I deviated a bit away from Attic24's pattern. Instead of doing 2 consistent rows of each color, I did the following:
2 rows Soft blue
2 rows Ocean
1 row each of grey heather, white, soft blue, grey heather
2 rows Ocean
2 rows Soft blue
2 rows white
Repeat row 1 grey heather, white, soft blue, grey heather
2 rows white
Repeat from beginning
I used
Caron Simply Soft yarn.

I added a gray single crochet around the entire blanket. My edges didn't turn out quite as straight as I hoped!
The single crochet gave me an even surface to add my basic shell edging to the blanket.

And here is the finished blanket!! I hope this baby afghan will bring lots of love and warmth during the cold Seattle winter!

We can't wait to meet your new bambino in December!
The Mariano Project