Unfortunately, we didn't get to put it up since we were painting and moving, so this year it served as the starting point for my decorating.
I didn't think I was going to decorate at all this year, but on December 20th the shopping gods shined on me and led me to Jo-Ann Fabrics and EVERYTHING I bought was 70% off! I got a shopping cart and loaded it up with a 7ft tree (lights built in), some ornaments, a feather wreath (I had my eye on for ages!), 3 Santa dolls, 2 poinsettia garlands, and 1 pine cone garland and a partridge in a pear tree! Ha!
Since I was on such a shopping sale high, I headed over to Michael's where everything was 60% off! I gathered more ornaments and two white feather trees, which I absolutely adored! After Michael's, I still felt I was lacking in the ornament department, so Target had the perfect solution with their $1 white and silver snowflake ornaments!
When I first put the tree together, I was pretty disappointed on how "skinny" it was compared to the picture they advertised on the front, but at 70%, who can complain!

The hubby wanted to start a tradition of buying one special ornament each year. So here's the one we bought for 2010.

The frugalista in me couldn't bear to shell out over $10 each for Christmas stockings, so when I came across these "dollar store" silver stockings, I snagged them up right away.
Of course, I had to "jazz" them up and customize them to make them a bit more "fancy". So, by shelling out another dollar for some stick on rhinestones at Michael's, for $3 I had customized stockings! Holla!

And finally this holiday season would not be complete without a customized Christmas card.

This may be my last post of the year, but I do plan to come back FULL FORCE next year with lots more projects and posts!
So, have a very safe and fun-filled Happy New Year!
2011 is gonna be AWESOME...I just know it!
The Mariano Project