Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Simply Succulents

Last year my great-aunt gave me a few clippings of some Imperial Jade and Ghost Plant to grow on my own. She has huge planters full of these succulents that adorn the front of her house. All she said I needed to do, was stick it in some soil and it will grow.

Well, it didn't quite go so well for me. First, I didn't realize that I was overwatering my Imperial Jade and this is a definite, "no, no", when it comes to these plants, as they do not like moist soil and can actually thrive on neglect! So, being overly nurturing was definitely not necessary. I was killing my plant!

My ghost plants are the only ones that survived my move from the apartment to the new house and are thriving quite nicely on my front porch. They have about 4 full hours of direct sunlight in the morning. I placed a layer of sand over the top of the soil and with this pot, I just place water in the bottom of the pot, so the soil does not stay moist.

After seeing a clip on Martha Stewart about succulent terrariums, I decided to venture out and try to make one of my own. I had a hard time finding cactus soil, so I went with Miracle-Gro Moisture Control Potting Soil and it worked just as effectively. I bought the sand from Ikea in a white and blue/grey tone, and used the gravel and glass vase that I had lying around the house.

This one is planted in a regular pot. I placed a layer of gravel at the bottom to ensure proper drainage, and planted about 4 different types of succulents. To make the colors pop, I added a top layer of white sand.

So, if you are looking for a great houseplant, that is drought resistant, thrives on being neglected, and doesn't need to be watered on a regular basis...Succulents are the plants for you!

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